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COVID-19 Nonprofit Resilience and Sustainability Grant Program

Applications for this program are no longer being accepted.

Valley Health Foundation (VHF) administers the COVID-19 Nonprofit Resilience and Sustainability Grant Program. This $10 million program is funded by the County of Santa Clara through the Federal Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds under the American Rescue Plan Act. A total of 87 projects have received (or are in the process of receiving) funding through this program.The purpose of this program is to strengthen the sustainability and responsiveness of nonprofits in Santa Clara County, with a focus on racial equity. Through this funding, we envision a stronger and more vibrant nonprofit sector, providing services to the most vulnerable members of our community in an equitable, diverse, respectful, and inclusive way. 

Grants up to $150,000 were available in two funding categories:

Resilience - to assist nonprofits in addressing the negative economic impacts of the pandemic. 

Sustainability - to assist nonprofits with planning or implementing organizational change to strengthen racial equity, diversity, and inclusion within organizational operations and/or in the provision of services or programming to the community. 

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