In 2018, Josh sustained a traumatic brain injury from a biking accident while on a family vacation in Maui. His wife Mary learned about Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s nationally recognized Traumatic Brain Injury Unit and Josh was transferred by medical flight from Hawaii to SCVMC. Josh spent 2 months at SCVMC’s award-winning Rehabilitation Center working with a multi-disciplinary team to regain his basic functions.
In his own words, Josh shared:
“My experience at SCVMC was overwhelmingly positive, from each doctor who treated me, to the many nurses who cared for me (including those who spent the night in my room when I needed to be under observation, to all of the therapists who worked with me on a daily basis. I have fond memories of sessions in the pool, and I remember the feeling of liberation as I could walk and move much more easily in the water.
I recall a trip to a grocery store, as well as dinner out at a restaurant with a dozen or more fellow patients, all of which my therapists used to re-introduce me to being a functional person in society. I enjoyed group social activities, including game night, which required thinking and speaking. We even took a pre-release trip to my home to prepare it for my arrival.
I am forever grateful for the loving care I received, and I know each aspect helped me return to my healthy active self. I feel blessed to have come so far, and I am a proud supporter of the Valley Health Foundation so that others in need can receive similar, excellent care.”
Today, Josh has been able to return to his job and his life with your help! You helped to support the specialized pool that Josh used in his rehabilitation as well as many of the other equipment and resources he used to help him recover.