Valley Health Foundation (VHF) is pleased to announce that, to date, 39 schools in 14 school districts have been awarded School-Based Wellness Center Grant Program funds.
Under a contract with the County of Santa Clara, VHF is administering the School-Based Wellness Center Grant Program. This $12.1 million grant program is funded by the County of Santa Clara through (1) Federal Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), (2) State of California Mental Health Services Act funds, and (3) State of California Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act and Youthful Offender Block Grant funds.
In November 2023, VHF was awarded $1,080,000 in private foundation grants to be used in the School-Based Wellness Center Grant Program, bringing the total funds to $13,180,000.
Guided by the School-Based Behavioral Health Wellness Centers Expansion Operational Plan, public school districts and Local Education Agencies (LEA) within Santa Clara County were eligible to apply for funds to open a new wellness center, supplement services at an existing wellness center, and/or strengthen and build operational infrastructure. Eligible schools include K-6, K-7, K-8, middle schools, and high schools located in Santa Clara County.
Applications for this program are now closed.
For questions about the School-Based Wellness Center Grant Program, please email us at